How We Elevated Women’s Fashion Experience With Our Precise QA Testing

Clothing Website testing Case study featured image


One of our recent and successful contributions was with an e-commerce client. They aimed to develop a smooth-running, high-functioning, sleek, and attractive website. Their main target audience was women. When we were on board with the project, we were collaborating with the team of developers and went through the process of their website-building strategy. There were certain bottlenecks that we came about with the existing model of a site that they had: like the responsiveness of the site could be improved across various devices. Other than that, the load time during peak traffic hours was lagging on the site, and the navigation system within the site’s complex catalogue system was quite poor. Our team of professionals worked diligently, day and night, to make sure that the site’s performance was enhanced along with its usability and navigational structure. By the end of the project, the client was really satisfied with the improvements we had made.

Services Offered

Based on the problems that we could uncover in the QA testing process, these are the services that we offered:

  • Cross-Device Compatibility Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Accessibility Testing


The client was a forward-thinking startup that entered the online retail market with a strong vision. They aimed to create a specialized clothing store exclusively tailored for women. The platform that they wanted to design would feature an extensive and carefully crafted selection of women’s clothes. The whole idea was heavily dependent on providing the audience or customer with a seamless and personalized shopping experience. With the commitment to combine fashion with functionality, the client focused on ensuring that their website was accessible and user-friendly. As an e-commerce website, smoothness, speed, and robustness are the three factors that are responsible for the site’s success, catering to a diverse demographic of women audience. The dedication of this startup to leveraging technology to enhance customer satisfaction is what sets them apart from the other startups in the market. 


The task may seem simple, but the process was quite convoluted for our team. Matching the exact vision of our clients was something that made us think outside the box. The challenges we faced were:

  • Testing out all the different features that the site offered across various devices, operating systems, and platforms. Making sure that the website operated smoothly across these devices and screen sizes was quite time-consuming and required a significant amount of workforce. 
  • The next level of difficulty we faced was in the process of validating the performance of the website. Creating real-world testing scenarios, to simulate high-traffic conditions for the site to respond was our second challenge in the process.
  • Next, we worked to make sure that the various aspects of the website were intuitive and easy to navigate. Conducting thorough usability testing was one of our main concerns.
  • Inclusivity was one of the main pillars of the said startup. To make it accessible to the maximum number of people, even to people with disability, specific tools and expertise were required. 
  • To make the user interface more easily accessible we also incorporated localization of the the site. This could help the website reach out to different people and age groups with different regions, languages, and more.
  • We also conducted thorough security testing on the website to identify issues, if there were any. Turned out that there were certain issues in the user data protection code-base of the app. 


To solve the issues that were about the website, here are some QA solutions that we offered to our clients:

Cross-Device Compatibility Optimization

  • Device and OS variation testing: To start with, we approached the website functionality with device and OS testing methodology. Our team combined both simulators and actual hardware to ensure consistent performance of the website across various devices and OS setups.
  • Responsive Design Adjustments: We helped the team of developers improve the layout of the website by implementing adaptive design techniques. Furthermore, we enhanced the functionality of the website according to various screen sizes, network conditions, and more. 
  • Feedback Loop Integration: To keep the website constantly updated, we integrated a feedback loop system into the website. It helped us gather information about user experience, and make the necessary updates to maintain user-friendliness of the UI.

Performance Enhancement

  • Load Testing: We simulated both peak traffic conditions and normal traffic conditions, using tools like LoadRunner. It helped us identify the limitations of the website and its responsiveness to different traffic scenarios. Thus, we used the information to improve the overall performance of the website.
  • Resource Optimization: Upon optimizing the resources of the website, like images, content, animations, etc. we were able to speed up the website loading speed than how it was before.
  • Content Delivery Network Implementation: To distribute severe load and reduce latency, our team of experts deployed a CDN network. It ensured that the content is generated and delivered fast across various geographical locations.

Usability and Accessibility Improvements

  • Heuristic Evaluation: To identify usability issues, our team of testers conducted a Heuristic evaluation of the website. It gave us an expert’s perspective on how to deal with the usability issues.
  • Real User Monitoring: We then layered our QA testing procedure with more testing on the grounds of real user monitoring. It gave us the true insight into how a real-world user was interacting with the website while navigating through products.
  • Accessibility Audits: To ensure that the site met all the accessibility standards, we had run a quick test on the ecommerce site.

Localization and Customization Strategy

  • Cultural Sensitivity Review: Our team of testing experts started off with assessing all the content on the website to make sure that it is culturally sensitive to a diverse range of women audiences. They made sure that the language, the images, product offerings and more aspects are not offensive to anyone in any region, religion, or race.
  • Language Localization: To make sure that the website complies with the updated regulations of the use of local languages, we implemented a language localization feature into the website. 
  • Region-specific Customization: We also allowed the website to imbibe certain customization features based on the choices and preferences of region-specific audiences. 


Based on the solutions implemented during the QA testing of the online women’s clothing store, here are several key results:

  • Post-implementation testing showed a 95% compatibility rate across all targeted devices and operating systems.
  • Load times were reduced by 40% during peak traffic conditions.
  • The bounce rate was reduced by 20% compared to previous metrics.
  • Usability testing led to design improvements that increased user engagement metrics, with a 30% increase in average session duration.
  • Accessibility audits and adjustments helped the website achieve a 100% score on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
  • After implementing regional customization features, the site saw a 25% increase in sales from regions that received localized content.

Tools and Technologies

The list of all the tools and technologies required during this particular project are:

Services Offered Tools Used
Cross-Device Compatibility Testing BrowserStack, Selenium
Performance Testing LoadRunner, Google Lighthouse
Usability Testing UsabilityHub, Hotjar
Accessibility Audits WAVE, AXE
Localization and Customization Testing Smartling, Pseudo Localization Tools


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Elevating Women’s Fashion: QA Testing Case Study

Discover how our precise QA testing enhanced the women’s fashion experience, ensuring seamless functionality and user satisfaction.